Monday, January 11, 2010

What is this, Antarctica?

We here in 'bama are moving into our second week of below freezing temperatures!  Weather men spent last week preparing us all for a "blizzard".  All they spoke of for a week were the five inches of snow impending for North Alabama.  You couldn't get near the bread, milk, or eggs at Walmart or Kroger.  The hardware stores were pulling out fifteen year old sleds from the storeroom and selling them like hotcakes.  The buzz among school children was whether they would be at school on Friday, or at home taking a "snow day."  Grown men and women across five counties were praying that the bridge would ice over, so they could skip work without consequences.

Thursday afternoon and its accompanying cold front finally rolled around.  There were pretty white fluff balls flying everywhere.  It seemed that meteorologists around the state had finally gotten a snow prediction right.  The problem was, that while there was snow falling constantly through Thursday and Friday, it was more like floating than falling.  There was always snow in the air, but precious little was making it to the ground. 

The little bit that made it to the ground was put to good use by the Keith boys, however.  They played in our yard until they used our tiny bit of snow up.  We then moved on to my parent's house, where there is more shade and therefore more unmelted snow.  The boys played until their frozen little bodies couldn't take it any more, and we spent the rest of the afternoon huddled in front of a nice, warm fire.  Overall, not a  bad way to spend a Friday.


  1. So completely the opposite to the weather here! We have had 5 days straight of 39C+ Today it was 43C :-(
    Think I'd rather have the snow.

  2. Us in central AL did not get a flake, haha. We were too supposed to get some of the white stuff, but none. They let out school early one day and went in late the milk or bread here either. Although, us homeschoolers did not miss a day. We even did school Sat....we will take am extra day when it is warm, ha. Glad you all had fun in the snow.
    Be blessed,
    The Fred blog is our mascot blog, which is very behind. I blog more on HSB.

  3. Ariz, I don't know... At least you have that nice pool to lounge in and cool off! I haven't been truly warm in days!
    Chasity, that's so funny that they let school out and there wasn't even any snow! We didn't miss any school either. Our school days just don't take long enough to matter, so we did everything in between playing outdoors!
