Friday, March 26, 2010

What I Do In Hermit Mode

I don't know if it's a trait that's peculiar to me, whether it's true of all artistic types, or if it has more to do with being a major introvert.  Whatever the reason, at least one week out of every month I go into "hermit mode."  If it was possible during this time for me to take a vow of silence and force it on my family as well, I would.  It's terrible for keeping healthy friendships, I know.  I think that because I am naturally shy, it takes a lot of effort to make small talk, meet up with friends, or especially to talk on the phone.  Once my quota of social hours are used up for the month, I just need some silent time to recoup.  Anyway!  This is not actually a post about my personality quirks, it is about what I am doing when I am not being a good friend!

This little bird came out of my recent solitude.  I most likely commited a copyright crime, since I copied him out of a Birds and Blooms magazine.  Do you realize how hard it actually is to get a decent picture of birds on your backyard feeders?  Quite hard, let me tell you!

The other thing I did was knit... a lot!  I knitted while we did our homeschool lessons, while watching the boys at karate, while Jeff watched UFC fights, while he was at karate, and I was watching silly television shows.  Would you like to see what I have to show for all that knitting?  Not as much as you'd think (I knit at snail speed)!

Hat #1 (which is actually Grant's, and fits him better, but he wouldn't pose for a picture):
Hat #2 & Bitty Baby Legwarmers (for our friend's new baby girl, who my boys ADORE!):
Sorry, but a subject that cute deserves a closer look!
And finally, Hat #3:

{On a side note, I have my mom to thank for all these great vintage buttons!  She watches the paper for estate sales, and if there are any sewing notions or fabric pieces for sale, she buys them and brings them to me.  Thanks, Mom!}

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