Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Little Grantinese to Brighten Your Day

These boys of mine have had me rolling lately!  The things that come out of their mouths sometimes are so funny, and usually it's not even on purpose.  For instance...

Grant was recently introduced to the breed of dogs known as "weiner dogs."  You can imagine how that went over.  He covered his little mouth and laughed so hard over that name!  Well, a few days later, we were watching America's Funniest Videoes together, and one of that breed of dog was on there.  Grant was laughing at the video, and he said, "I can't believe that dog is afraid of the air vent!  You know...  that private dog?"  I was like, "That what kind of dog?"  (I thought at first that he said pirate).  "That private dog... You know...  private part dog...  IT'S A PEE PEE DOG!"  At which point he started rolling off the couch, he was laughing so hard!
Both boys like to be the one to bless the food when we sit down to eat.  They like it so much that we often stop just short of fisticuffs in deciding who will have the priveledge each night!  When Grayson was really young and used to say the blessing, he would say a prayer that could sometimes last upwards of five minutes.  He would thank God for evvverrythiiing and evvverrryone, and would usually forget to even mention the food.  We would begin about two minutes into the prayer interjecting, "In Jesus' name..."  Not so subtly dropping the hint that we were ready for the "Amen."  One particular night, when we were just too hungry to wait for all that, we taught him the traditional children's blessing, "God is Great."  He has used it pretty much ever since, and Grant picked it up through the years.  The things is, Grant isn't exactly a careful listener!  Combine that with his myriad of speech impediments, and you get a prayer that goes a little something like this: 
"God's great, God's good.
Sank 'em, Sank 'em, For da food.
Jesus, God, Sank you Lord.

This morning after I turned off my Shark sweeper/vacuum thing, Grant informed me that I had broken his "earplums."
Also this morning, Grayson was dressed as a viking, and he and Grant were playing pretend together.  I overheard Grant say, "Hey viking!  My mom said you can have a sleep over if you promise not to do any pillowaging!"  


  1. Love it! I keep forgetting to write down all the adorable stuff the boys say and do.

    My favorite is the "pillowaging". :D

  2. Lol, yeah, but I was cracking up about Dante having hearing problems until you whispered the word "Pepsi" from across the room! That was classic!

  3. Ah ye olde selective hearing :-)
    I am still sniggering with Grant at the wiener dogs. (snicker snicker snicker)
