This gave me an idea! I got a couple of big feathers from our random piles of junk, and duct taped them to pencils to make quills. Then I set up the pinch pots we made a couple of weeks ago as pretend ink wells. Then I called to them in my best British accent (which is hardly as adorable as Grant's) that, "Attention all students of Hogwart's School! Wizarding school is now in session!" Goofy, I know, but man did it work! Every subject was renamed: "Magic Math," "Harry Potter Handwriting," "History of Magical Islands."
If you look closely, you can see the great picture of Hogwarts castle that Grant is drawing in his notebook
(Oh, and just in case you're wondering, yes my boys live in those Mario pajamas, and yes we do school in pajamas nearly everyday. Well, except for the days they just wear underwear.)
Sensational. You are blessed to have boys with such imaginations. Our Small Boy cannot think of anything outside the X Box. I find it very sad....