Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Phun Pharaohs, and a Little Grantinese

Okay, so this will be a two part post.  The pictures are from a fun craft we did this morning to aid our study of King Tutankhamen (and ancient Egypt in general).  Most of the body of post will be the latest installment of Grantinese! 

The craft was a fun replica of Tut's mask suggested by our textbook, The Mystery of History.  The boys went glitter wild, which I fully expected and used as a good excuse not to get out of our jammies until after school today!  Grayson's mask looked particularly awesome. 

Okay, for some reason, after posting that picture, I am no longer able to left justify, so the rest of this post will be centered I guess! 

Now, for those of you who are new to my blog, my younger son is Grant, and he has always spoken a language all his own.  He has trouble pronouncing r's, s's, th's, l's...  Basically anything that involves putting your tongue against your front teeth or the roof of your mouth.  We're working with him, and it's getting better.  These speech impediments along with the usual cute kid mispronunciations of things have led to some of the cutest sayings ever, many of which have become sort of family catch phrases.  So from the time that he started speaking in sentences, I have recorded his cuteness in the form of his own language, "Grantinese."

Last night Grant was waiting for Grayson to finish something or other so he could have a turn.  He started getting impatient, and said,  "Oh come on!  What's the woad off?! (He was saying "What the load off," but meant,"What's the hold up!")"

As part of our homeschool, we have been talking about birds, and this week we've talked about eggs in particular.  The other day, we broke some open, felt the air pocket inside, and then the boys took out the membrane.  So this morning, Grant was helping me cook breakfast, and after he cracked an egg, he took it to the sink.  After successfully peeling the membrane off in one piece, he said, "Aw Mom!  Look at this air brain!!"

After messing with the egg's air brain, his hands were all gross, so he went to wash them.  I usually buy the same lavendar scented dish soap all the time, but the store was out of it on my last run, so I picked up some orange scented stuff instead.  When Grant saw it this morning at the sink, he said, "Ooh, you got new dish-a-washin' soap!  Is it... is it... is it... caymul (caramel)?!  Cause it wooks wike caymul!!  Mmm... yummy yummy dish soap!"


  1. Your Gratninese was always my favorite on the old blog. So cute, and it reminds me of my little guy. "L" are "W" in his language...such as Wook for look. And he likes being the weader (leader). Loved the mask...they are great. My kid always learn better if I put a craft with it.
    Also congrats on the weight loss. I started back in Oct 2008. I did well at first, then slacked and then had a hernia surgery. I am 32lbs lighter than I was then. However, by now I should have lost a whole lot more. I have a long way to go and I have my ups and downs, but I keep trying.
    Be blessed,

  2. Keeping on trying is the important thing! I had a disappointing weigh in last night, considering how much effort I put in this week. It's hard not to get frustrated, but we're in this for the long haul, right?
    As for the Grantinese, I wish you guys could actually hear him. He has this gravelly voice, and he gets SO excited about everything. I'm glad to know you enjoy it, even if it doesn't come across exactly the same!
