Wednesday, July 21, 2010

So says the fly on the wall...

Oh, the things one hears in a house full of boys!  We have had a day full of interesting conversations.  Breakfast with Grant went a little something like this, "Mama, how do you spell dinosaur?  Mom, how do you spell koala? Mom, how do you spell bat?  Wait - I know - B-A-T.  Mom, how do you spell Never Ending Story?"  "Mom - Why are you banging your head against the counter?"  Oh okay, I made that last one up, but you get the idea.

I let Grayson sleep in a little, and when he got up, he confessed that the reason for his insomnia lately is that he is afraid he will die in his sleep.  Oh my!  Those are deep waters to wade into before being fully caffeinated!  Nevertheless, we dove right in, and this conversation somehow led straight into the evils of drug use (there was a logical path that led us there, but it would take way too long to type it!), our family's tendency toward addictions, and the importance of choices he will make as early as his preteen years.  Whew!  By this time, I think it was 7:30 a.m., and my brain was screaming for someone to put on the brakes!

On a lighter note, we were driving in the car this afternoon, and Grayson was talking about his desire to be baptized.  He told Grant that, while our church believes in sprinkling, our family feels strongly that being immersed in the water is a symbol of dying to one's own life, and rising up to walk with Jesus.  He asked Grant if he even knew what baptizing was, and Grant said, "Duh!  Of course I do!  It's when Jesus went in the water with all his clothes on!  Why did he go in the water with all his clothes on anyway!?"  Grayson went on to explain in his own way what baptizing means, and Grant said, "Oh no!  I am definitely NOT bab-a-tizing until I am a grown up like Mommy, and then I only want Jesus to do my bab-a-tizing!"

These sweet, wonderful boys of mine, they keep me on my toes!

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